The IRF houses a Siemens 3 Tesla Prisma MRI scanner. Its capabilities include structural MRI, functional MRI (fMRI), diffusion and perfusion imaging, and MR spectroscopy. The lab has the capability for multisensory stimulus delivery and behavioral response collection.
Our IRF facilities host a wide range of tools and technology to assist in data collection, these include:
- EyeLink eye tracker hardware and software suite
- Framewise Integrated Real-time MRI Monitoring (FIRMM) software
- Physiological monitoring equipment (respiration, heart rate)
The IRF houses a mock scanner in a space designed to look, sound, and feel like the actual MRI environment. It is particularly useful for special populations such as children for acclimating them to the scanner environment. This both reduces subject anxiety and increases the likelihood of quality data acquisition during the scan itself.
The IRF's MRI suite is located in PY159 within the Psychological and Brain Sciences building.